Cranberry Juice, An Effective THC Detox? Find Out Here.
Applying for work soon? Know that one of the things that you need to comply with is a clean result of a drug test. Many cannabis users are concerned about THC getting detected in their results. There are some states where cannabis use is legal, but others still haven’t approved of this for recreational and medical use. Here are some of the most effective natural thc detox methods to try before your drug test.
Cranberry Juice for THC Detox
Juices are most effective in detoxifying your body of toxins. So drink fruit juices in large quantities can help especially if you are detoxifying your body of THC. This is most recommended if you want to pass the drug test. The most popular these days is drinking cranberry juice. This slightly tart drink is by far the most recommended based on a number of success stories.
Before you detox with cranberry juice, you have to ensure that you do not have any cranberry allergies. And at least 24 hours after your drug test appointment, cleanse your body with two liters of ‘real’ cranberry juice. This is a natural diuretic and it will make you urinate more often. Remember that THC stays longer in your urinary system so urinating more frequently can help you with your detox process.
Other THC Detox Methods
Aside from cranberry juice detox, there are other natural ways of getting rid of any trace of THC in your body. One of the most popular is water and lemon. In 500ml of water, add a tablespoon of lemon juice. It is also better if you add lemon peels to the drink as well. To detoxify, drink around four liters of this water-lemon drink at least a week before your drug test.
Coffee is also another method to THC detoxify your body. Aside from being a beloved drink to keep your energy levels up in the morning, this is also a natural diuretic. Up your cups of coffee days before your drug test schedule. You can partner this with water therapy to balance the liquid levels in your system.
If you have enough time to detoxify your body of THC, go ahead and try these methods mentioned above. Most of them, especially cranberry juice is readily available in many online markets. It means that you can stock up on this drink months before your drug test. This can give you assurance of a THC-free drug test result.